NAGVA raters continuously observe players to determine if ratings need to be updated. Nonetheless, any member can request a "re-rate" for him/herself or for another player.
This article explains how to request a re-rate for a player that already has a rating. For player's that are currently unrated, see this article. Also excluded here are requests based on a medical condition or serious injury - for that purpose, see this article.
Requesting a re-rate for yourself
You can start this process at any NAGVA tournament. But note that, since you currently have a NAGVA rating, you are required to play in a division equal or higher than your current rating.
Identify the Regional Commissioner (RC) for your tournament. This can be done prior to the tournament by going to, selecting the relevant tournament. The RC's name will be on the top left.
Contact the RC early in the tournament, e.g., Friday night at registration or Saturday, during pool play to obtain a re-rate form.
Fill out the form provided by the RC. You must fill out the following fields: Player's name (as it appears in your NAGVA profile), NAGVA #, Player's City/Team, Date Last Rated (can be found on NAGVA website or on line-up sheet at tournament), Reason for Observation (check "Player's Own Request) and Reason (why you believe you need to be observed).
Hand the form with those fields filled out to the RC, preferably before the end of Saturday pool play.
Time and personnel permitting, the RC will assign raters to observe you play and determine your new rating. The outcome of the rating may be communicated to you at the tournament (in person) or after the tournament (by email). It may take a couple of weeks for the new rating to be reflected on the NAGVA website.
Important notes:
The rating outcome can be higher, lower or the same as your current rating.
You cannot be re-rated down in the 6 months following a re-rate; the RC can help you determine if you are eligible for a re-rate. For example: if you were re-rated BB on October 1st, you are not eligible for a re-rate to a lower division (B) for 6 months (until April 1st); re-rates to a higher division can occur at any time.
Requesting a re-rate for another player
Any member may request request a re-rate for any other member. The process is exactly the same as requesting a re-rate for yourself (see above), except that:ย
You fill out the re-rate form with the other player's information (name, NAGVA #, Player's City/Team, Date Last Rated (can be found on NAGVA website or on line-up sheet at tournament).
In "Reason for Observation", check "Request of Another Player"
You must fill out your name under "Requestor's name". Without this, the re-rate request will not be completed.
Complete "Reason" field - simply stating "should be in BB" is not enough.